In July we went to Traverse City to the Cherry Festival. We stayed with Gdpa & Gdma Davis in their motor home. Traveling by motor home is great with kids. I wish we could do that all the time for trips two plus hours. The girls played at the beach. Wraiya loves to eat sand!!
Our August will be pretty low key but we start our travels Labor Day weekend by going up to Mackinaw City and will be going to Mackinaw Island in October. Who knows...maybe we'll talk Daddy (mostly me) into going back to Disney World.
Wraiya is growing like a weed. She is now 10 months-old. She is crawling all over the place, cruising, increasing her vocabulary and signs "more". She has such a sweet disposition, just like Carys. Wraiya now has five, with her sixth tooth emerging.
Carys and I are attending a summer camp, each Thursday in August. She is swimming with swimmies and loves to play outside. She is really on this kick of wanting to play hockey. We were at the Toy House and she chose for her toy a hockey set which included: 2 hockey sticks, a net, a puck and a ball. Carys also wants to resume gymnastics in the Fall and maybe soccer. We will have to see. We took the girls to the Hot Air Jubilee at the Jackson Airport. There was a humpty dumpty balloon and I started to say the nursery rhyme. Carys told me to stop because she wanted to say it "all by myself". Her version start as follows:"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great day......" I love what things she comes up with. One last thing to share.
We ere at the zoo a few weeks ago and we were watching the elephants when one happened to poop and then step in it. When she was telling her dad about what she had seen the conversation went into "no daddy, elephants don't go poop on the potty because they DON'T HAVE HANDS TO FLUSH." Of course!!
Love the picture by the fence!
Sounds like you guys have had a great summer!
You are so magical behind your camera. You catch the true essence of both of your girls.
Thank you sharing with everyone your life as a mom and dad who truly love there daughters.
Love, Grammie
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