Saturday, July 14, 2007

It's Potty Time

A few months ago I had seen this potty chair and thought it was so cute. Carys has been playing with it on and off since we got it. Now that she's walking, Tim and I thought we might see if she's interested in trying to use her potty. Last night before her bath she sat on it and pottied and again this morning. Tim and I cheered and cheered for her last night. She looked at us like, "what are you so excited about you crazy people". This morning was so neat because after breakfast I asked her if she wanted to go potty. I was carrying her and she pointed us right into the bathroom and was trying to get out of my arms to her potty chair. Once I put her down she was trying to get her pj's off. I helped, we took her diaper off and she sat on the potty. She looked around for a few minutes, played with the shower curtain and then.....she pottied. When she potties her chair sings to her. I made such a big deal of it that we woke Tim up. Carys was so proud of herself - she was smiling and clapped. We will take this whole potty training slow and let her take the lead. As long as she shows interest...we will too! She such a smarty!!
P.S. I did take a picture of her peepee in the potty, but we'll save that for Carys, Tim and I. I'm sure you appreciate that.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Eighteen Months

Carys turned 18-months-old on June 29. Today was her 18-month check-up. Dr. Noble was very pleased with how well she is growing and how well her skills are developing. Here's the stats:
Weight: 22 pounds 10 ounces
16 percentile
Height: 31 1/2 inches
35 percentile
Head Circum.: 17.91 inches
21 percentile
Body Mass Index: 15.9 kg/m2

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Virginia Beach

This year our family celebrated the 4th of July in Virginia Beach. The Davis side of the family make an annual trek to Virginia Beach to enjoy the boardwalk, beach, fireworks and seafood. Tim and I haven't been there in years and thought this would be a perfect time to go back to experience the beach with Carys. Carys loved the ocean. She would crawl right in and would sit in the sand while the waves broke around her. She loved playing in the sand and people watching. It was really hard keeping her eating healthy on the trip. I guess that's what vacations are for...according to my sister-in-laws. One morning the only food Carys would eat for breakfast was chips. Now that is the sign we see the most. Right before we left for vacation, Carys started walking. We have been waiting for this milestone to happen. I had set a goal and prayed for her to start walking by vacation. God was listening and my prayers were answered! She walks everywhere and all the time. Her little legs have to be so tired. It's so amazing to see her develop from a 2 pound infant to a toddler that is walking.

Daddy, this is so fun!

I don't have this much sand at home.

The water isn't that cold, mommy.

Mmmmm...crab legs...can't wait 'til 3.

I love chips.